Membership Application and Benefits
Join the Chamber Now!
Why Join?
With over 400 members, the Claremont Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to:
- Developing innovative programs and partnerships that enhance and promote business
- Building a strong local economy
- Communicating information on relevant business trends
- Being a leader in legislative advocacy for business interests on the city, state, and local levels
- Providing networking and leadership opportunities for members
We invite you to learn more about our organization.
The Benefits
- Telephone, email & walk in
Chamber Website
- Listed on Chamber site by business, category, contact name & website
- Login access to website to add or update your member information, post events in the Chamber calendar, post Hot Deals, and email chamber members
- Spotlight on a Member page with links to your business
- Member Testimonial page with links to your business
- Events calendar
Paid Advertising Opportunities
- Membership Directory sponsorship
- Enhanced web listing
- Weekly email blast sponsorship
- Chamber Newsletter is available via email and on the website
- Claremont Map: every two years
- Business Directory: every two years
- Event Sponsor– Breakfast, Mixers, Luncheons, Village Venture
Business Directory Listing
- Published every two years
- Available in the Chamber Office
- Distributed to all hotels & colleges in the city
- Mailed to all tourist & relocation requests
- Online Directory - Helps with local SEO and ARP on Google
- The Chamber website has high domain authority with reputable backlinks, boosting local SEO and Google ARP
Business Seminars
- Variety of informative business forums and seminars
- Lunch & Learns
- Chamber Classroom
Representing Business to Government
- Chamber actively reviews legislation
- Chamber presents concerns to local, regional, and state governments
- Networking breakfast every 2nd Tuesday of the month
- Networking lunch every month
- New member orientation
- Member mixers
- Opportunity to be a volunteer on a Chamber Committee
- State of the City Annual Luncheon
- Awards/Installation Dinner
Business News
- Monthly newsletter e-mailed
- New member focus article
- Spotlight on a Chamber Member
- Front page Member Testimonial
- Paid advertising opportunities
Visitor’s Center/Chamber Office
- Member business cards & literature
- Specialist brochures
- Event posters displayed in public window
- Claremont City and Village Maps
- Claremont Visitor Guide & Directory
- Village Venture Vendor Discount
- Crime Alerts
- Weekly E-Blast
- Membership Mailing Labels
- Chamber Gift Card Program
Chamber Events
Business Over Breakfast– The Chamber holds a monthly networking breakfast at 7:30 a.m. every second Tuesday of the Month at the DoubleTree by Hilton Claremont, 555 W. Foothill Blvd. This is a perfect networking opportunity that starts off with a tasty breakfast buffet and omelet bar. A 10-minute presentation is made by a chamber member, followed by new member and renewing member recognition, self-introductions, round table discussions or speed networking a raffle and an opportunity to spin the wheel for a prize. A networking table is available for Chamber members to display their business information. Estimated attendance: 75+
Village Venture Arts and Crafts Festival– This annual event is held every fourth Saturday in October and it has become the largest Arts & Crafts Festival in the Los Angeles County. The streets of the Claremont Village are filled with over 450 arts and crafts booths including photography, pottery, jewelry, clothing and garden nick-knacks, just to name a few. A business and organization block has been added for local organizations and businesses. A discount for a vendor booth is given to all Chamber members. Estimated Attendance: 15,000-20,000+